IHE Catalyst accelerate deployment and adoption of IHE standards to deliver interoperability quality in Health.

IHE Catalyst

The proper use of IHE profiles requires efficient testing tools in order to validate that the implementation respects the profiles and that those are sufficiently detailed to avoid conflicting interpretations. It is in this context that IHE-Europe created already in 2012 the "IHE-Services" Committee, whose main goal was to provide professional services both to IHE members and to governmental or non-governmental entities in charge of the implementation of e-health projects.

In order to become more independent and autonomous, the IHE-Services Committee became an entity of its own, now known as "IHE Catalyst", in 2021. IHE Catalyst has taken over the catalogue of products of the IHE-Services Committee, mainly:

  • The organisation of Connectathons and Projectathons (testing events);
  • The maintenance and evolution of the Gazelle test platform, the heart of the testing ecosystem, allowing the validation of technical implementations;
  • The development of training materials;
  • A consulting service for the implementation of interoperability projects;
  • Support for the Conformity Assessment Scheme, which allows a product to be validated by an accredited laboratory.

IHE Catalyst is therefore the third pillar of the IHE International ecosystem:

  • Interoperability profiles are developed by domains such as IHE IT Infrastructure, IHE Radiology, IHE Pharmacy, etc.;
  • The link with users, solution providers and projects is made by regional or national deployment committees, which are in charge of the dissemination, the promotion and the support in relation to the IHE methodology and profiles;
  • Technical support and professional advice is provided by IHE Catalyst through the provision of a testing ecosystem based on the Gazelle platform and the IHE SHARAZONE content sharing infrastructure, the implementation of the Conformity Assessment Scheme as well as consulting and support for the development of interoperability projects.

This division of responsibilities illustrates the importance of teamwork and resource sharing in order to carry out increasingly complex projects. The organisation of Connectathons (marathons to validate the correct implementation of the different IHE profiles) or Projectathons (connectathons dedicated to a specific project) implies precisely these three pillars: a regional anchor through the organisation by a national deployment committee, the availability of testable profiles developed by the various domains and a testing ecosystem provided by IHE Catalyst – all of these supporting the solution integrators in delivering quality products to the end users.

Article: Stéphane Spahni

For more information, contact IHE Catalyst at info@ihe-catalyst.net or visit the website www.ihe-catalyst.net